So things have been hectic as usual. My coworker said something very insightful today along the lines of "We work in such high stress environments that when we get home it's impossible to have down time". And now I am home with some time to myself, and I am dying to fill that time up!
Work has been hectic. Coming back from a week off is insane. My clients have been quite needy and dramatic. I pretty much have 0 time to prepare, and even less down time! But my co-workers are great, and pretty much make the job bearable.
Did I write about my grad app being submitted? Yea now it's just the waiting game...I am telling you I am celebrating like no other when [IF] I get in.
Needless to say, Leo is a mess over the loss of his Dad. I have felt more than helpless in regards to dealing with his sadness. His family has pulled together, and I am pretty sure things have been smoothed over with his brother and I.
I want to write for cathartic purposes and then I feel as I have nothing important to say.
Also- I have been having strange pain in the calf of my leg. I convinced myself it's a blood clot, but it's probably not..Im a hypochondriac
I also feel as if I am a mess inside. Between the stress of Leo's loss, 3 jobs, my brother getting arrested, and making ends meet- I'm almost a mess!
Oh and I found out today that Aerosmith is playing at Fenway, and I must get tickets!!! I'm a Red Sox fan (har har) because I was born in Boston. Grew up listening to Aerosmith- I <3 themmmmmmmmmm
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